Manuka Blend Honey Concentrate
330g Pure Manuka Blend Honey Concentrate
No Added Sugar | No Added Flavourings
Dilute Honey Concentrate with mixing water before consuming. Mix one part honey concentrate to three parts water, adjust accordingly for honey's intensity.
Save Earth. Reduce Waste. Reuse Your Concentrate Bottles Today. Refill your concentrate @ our flagship store at Paragon B1-32 for $16 per bottle.
Honeymill Pure Manuka Blend Honey is farmed in the unpolluted areas of New Zealand farmlands. It is a delicious and strong full-flavoured blend of the nourishing Manuka Honey with other New Zealand bush honey from the native flora. Suitable for all age groups, this creamy goodness is the perfect addition to your daily beverages. No added sugar, flavourings or essence.
Store up to 2 weeks.
Each concentrate makes 5-7 cups of regular sized cups.